Editorial Design
Family Album depicts my family’s story by visually representing a selection of twenty given words.

The project started off with ten random pronouns and ten nouns that had to be represented visually.

My family’s life story was used to narrate and represent these twenty words.Each pronoun was paired with a noun to create the storyline. The timeline started in the past following my grandparents’ life continued by following my parents’ experiences and finally reached the present by depicting my own personal life story. The narrative ends by asking the audience about their own stories.

The narrative was visually represented by twenty collages that were then printed into a darkroom using an 18th century salt-printing technique. The publication was bound by hand using coptic binding.

Book size: 14.9 x 21.2 cm using Arches Platine Paper for photographic development.

Salt Print process: collage to coating

Salt Print process: developing the negative

Research: Man Ray
Research: Kurt Schwitters
Research: Kurt Schwitters
Copyright© Danae Valterio
All rights reserved